Are you looking for the best ways to optimize your natural beauty without breaking the bank and also avoiding some of the more invasive surgical procedures? Laser Aesthetics Body and Wellness in Memphis can help! Below, we will list some of our most popular skincare treatments and products, and how they can benefit you without surgical measures!
1. Photofacial Treatment: intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into your skin. IPL (intense pulse light) photorejuvenation then causes collagen and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict. Once constricted, the appearance of redness, fine lines and wrinkles are drastically reduced!
2. ZO Skin Health by Dr. Zein Obagi: Most of the ZO Skin Health collection is focused on fighting skin conditions and problems like acne, the signs of aging, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and inflammatory skin issues like rosacea. This collection also offers products for reducing puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, hydrating and healing creams and serums, and hydrating cleansers.
3. Hollywood Laser Peel: When you get a Hollywood Laser Peel from Laser Aesthetics Body & Wellness in Memphis, you can expect to see improved skin tone and texture. You’ll enjoy glowing, more youthful looking skin with a smoother, softer feel. Plus, you’ll have a reduction in fine lines. And for even more great benefits, you’ll experience no downtime! This treatment is safe for most skin tones and for patients who have had Botox or other fillers injected. It’s a completely safe, painless, and comfortable procedure!
For more information on these treatments or procedures, call us today! At Laser Aesthetics Body and Wellness in Memphis, we offer free, no-obligation consultations. 901-388-8887