The FDA approved Mona Lisa treatment for use in December of 2014. The Mona Lisa Touch procedure is a non-surgical, safe, quick treatment that achieves vaginal rejuvenation through a gentle, painless laser treatment. The Mona Lisa procedure is clinically proven to relieve symptoms such as vaginal laxity and dryness, burning, itching, pain during sex, and urinary incontinence. This non-surgical rejuvenation treatment can improve your sexual health and resolve your symptoms in three relaxed treatments.
A local anesthetic is applied to the vagina, and a small wand is inserted into the vagina. Your doctor will then turn the wand clockwise and counterclockwise. This motion will transmit gentle laser energy into the vaginal tissue, stimulating the vagina to create new blood vessels. With the creation of new blood vessels, levels of elastin and collagen will elevate, leading to the restoration of vaginal tissue. MonaLisa Touch side effects are extremely rare, but temporary side effects from the Mona Lisa treatment may include vaginal tenderness, itching, burning, bleeding, or discharge. These harmless, temporary MonaLisa Touch side effects will resolve on their own shortly after treatment. In terms of aftercare from this vaginal rejuvenation treatment, we recommend avoiding intercourse or